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MRT Classes (Moral Reconation Therapy®)

A Proven Intervention for Healthy Choices

MRT addresses moral reasoning and how people make choices about what they should or should not do in a given situation.

MRT is step-based and is used as a trusted intervention in all 50 states and 9 countries because it has been proven to help reduce recidivism, criminal justice involvement, and substance abuse. MRT has also demonstrated an improvement in life purpose, motivation, functioning, and treatment adherence.

MRT is uniquely equipped to address domestic violence, substance abuse, anger management, codependency, criminal justice issues, and mental health.

MRT is offered in person or virtually.

$45.00    MRT Workbook (Pickup from Office)

$55.00 MRT Workbook (FedEx Delivery)

$25.00    MRT Group Per Session

 Call today to see if you qualify for funding to cover the cost of MRT!